Of Mice and ?

Are elephants afraid of mice? No, they are not, however, like almost every living other including humans, are easily startled. An uppity lady standing on a chair because a mouse has entered the room is more about surprise than fear, plus an abler of a good laugh. Which brings me to the aim of this post, on how the seemly small insignificant can bring the mighty to its knees. Who had the most powerful navy, well trained professional army, experienced leadership harden by many European wars, The British Empire in colonial America. And yet a rag tag bunch of farmers by day soldiers by night gave what for to one of the very best at the time. History was taught, well learned when the tables were turned on a later generation of Americans by the Viet Cong in Viet Nam, as they employed the same tactical engagements practiced by the colonial Minutemen pitch-perfect. And now a little cut and paste from WikiPediA: ‘Some groups, when involved in a “liberation” struggle, have been called “terrorists” by the Western governments or media. Later, these same persons, as leaders of the liberated nations, are called “statesmen” by similar organizations. Two examples of this phenomenon are the Nobel Peace Prize laureates Menachem Begin and Nelson Mandela WikiLeaks editor Julian Assange has been called a “terrorist” by Sarah Palin and Joe Biden’. One last thought, it’s all in the telling, meaning, our understanding of events, good or bad, depends on who gets to write it, who alive today will be the one to entertain for future generations these times in which we now live in…